EU urges Belarusian authorities to ensure safety of detained former potential presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka
April 28, 2023

EU urges Belarusian authorities to ensure safety of detained former potential presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka

The European Union says it is concerned by the health situation of detained former potential presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka, who has been hospitalised, reportedly with traces of beatings. In a statement, the EU urges the Belarusian authorities “to ensure his safety and provide him with immediate and proper medical evaluation and assistance, and to allow him access to his lawyers and family”.

“Almost three years since the fraudulent elections of August 2020, the number of political prisoners has nearly reached 1,500, and continues to grow,” the EU said. “This appalling milestone reflects the deterioration of the human rights situation in the country. The Lukashenko regime continues detaining and imprisoning people in atrocious conditions, exposing them to ill-treatment and torture, including to force them to repent publicly.”

According to the EU, several political prisoners were recently admitted to hospital after being reportedly exposed to violence in prison. On 21 May 2021, Vitold Ashurak died in prison. The EU also called for an enquiry into the circumstances and cause of his death.

The EU reiterated its demand for the immediate and unconditional release of Viktar Babaryka and all political prisoners. 

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Press release


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