EU to discuss military training programme for Ukrainian forces
August 23, 2022

EU to discuss military training programme for Ukrainian forces

The European Union will discuss launching a major training programme for Ukrainian forces in neighboring countries, EU High Representative Josep Borrell said on August 22.

Speaking at a press conference in the northern Spanish city of Santander, Borrell said the move would be discussed next week at a meeting of EU defence ministers in Prague.

“Of course, it would be a big mission,” he said, adding “any mission has to be up to the level of the conflict.”

“It seems reasonable that a war that is lasting and looks set to last requires an effort not only in terms of supplies of material,” Borrell said.

“This is what is being discussed among the member states and will be discussed politically next week,” he said.

The EU High Representative added that the training would be in neighbouring countries which already have training missions. “They are already training. There are a lot of Ukrainian soldiers being trained in Poland, Czech Republic, in the United Kingdom, in France. When we provide arms, these are quite sophisticated… And in order to be used, they require quite an important training… But we are not going to do that in Ukrainian territory.

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