EU-supported energy audit starts in Moldova 
April 4, 2024

EU-supported energy audit starts in Moldova 

An energy audit, supported by the European Union and UNDP, was launched in 25 apartment blocks in Chișinău, Bălți, Strășeni and Ceadîr-Lunga, as well as in six district hospitals in Moldova.

The energy audits were financed through the programme ‘Addressing the impacts of the energy crisis in the Republic of Moldova’, funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP.

The energy audit is the first step towards obtaining financing for energy efficiency projects that will be developed based on the results of the audit.

The selected residential buildings are expected to significantly reduce their energy costs and realise annual savings of more than 17 million lei or the equivalent of about 6 million kWh.

Energy audits are the complex process of assessing a building’s energy parameters and developing recommendations for rationalising energy consumption. 

“We are analysing heat and electricity consumption. On the thermal side we determine heat losses through walls, ceilings, and windows,” explains Denis Isacov, energy auditor. “Finally, we propose energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources, such as thermo-insulating the walls, the attic, the floor or the basement, changing the exterior joinery, changing the old machinery that consumes much more electricity than more modern equipment, changing the LED lighting fixtures, changing the source of thermal energy production.”

He also said the auditors analyse the economic side, determining investments, savings and the payback period of these investments. 

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Press release


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