EU proposes to extend transport corridors to Ukraine and Moldova
July 28, 2022

EU proposes to extend transport corridors to Ukraine and Moldova

The European Commission has proposed to extend four EU Transport Corridors to Ukraine and Moldova in an effort to link both countries, their people and businesses more closely to the EU, and to support the rebuilding of Ukraine’s transport infrastructure once the war has ended.

The Commission yesterday amended its proposal to revise the TEN-T Regulation in the light of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, saying the war’s impacts on global markets, supply chains, and food security have demonstrated how better connections with the EU’s neighbouring partner countries are critical more than ever before. 

Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said: “By extending four European Transport Corridors to the territory of Ukraine and Moldova – including the ports of Mariupol and Odesa – our proposal will help improve transport connectivity between these two countries and the EU, facilitating economic exchanges and better connections for people and businesses alike.

She added: These corridors will also be a key priority in rebuilding the transport infrastructure of Ukraine once the war ends. Our efforts to facilitate the export of grain from Ukraine via the Solidarity Lanes have also demonstrated the importance of interoperability within the transport system, and reinforced the need to increase convergence within the EU network, making it more resilient and strengthening the internal market.” 

The Commission prepared the ground for this extension when it adopted revised maps for the TEN-T network in Ukraine earlier this month. Yesterday’s amended proposal removes Russia and Belarus from the TEN-T maps; in the current context, cooperation with these countries is neither appropriate nor in the interest of the Union. 

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