EU launches initiative to support mental health in Armenia
April 18, 2024

EU launches initiative to support mental health in Armenia

A new EU initiative supporting mental health in Armenia was launched on 16 April in Yerevan. 

The project on ‘Rights, services, participation – fostering a comprehensive mental health framework in Armenia’ will focus on promoting policies and mechanisms for accessible, inclusive mental health services and a shift in public attitude towards mental health issues in Armenia. 

The €2 million project is implemented through a partnership of the ‘Helsinki Citizens Assembly Vanadzor office’ NGO, Democracy Development Foundation, ‘Disability-Rights Agenda’ NGO, and the Armenian Mental Health Association.

In his welcoming remarks at the opening ceremony, EU Ambassador to Armenia Vassilis Maragos said the EU supported mental health in Armenia as an important element of the country’s resilience. 

“Mental health is a human right. Our approach is based on the understanding that mental health is more than just health, it includes areas such as education, social services, digitalisation, employment, environment and climate,” Maragos said.

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Press release


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