EU-funded project supports Armenia’s open access to science
March 30, 2021

EU-funded project supports Armenia’s open access to science

A National Open Access Desk (NOAD) to support open access to science has been established in Armenia with EU support. It will provide training and run national helpdesks that advise on open science, open access, and research data management.

The EU-funded EaPConnect project played a key role in establishing the NOAD platform, supporting the introduction of dLibra software to Armenia through presentations, training and other collaborative activities.

The NOAD was linked to the pan-European OpenAIRE open science infrastructure during the first week of March. As part of the OpenAIRE network of NOADs, which are run by a range of organisations, the Armenian NOAD team will act as key contact points for open science in Armenia.

The new NOAD is an open system repository where all the scientific potential of Armenia will be collected. Currently, the Armenian NOAD consists of around 400 digital objects, which are scientific publications by the Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Armenia. The contents will be extended to include the scientific outputs of several research organisations and universities.

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