EU extends measures against Belarus to fight circumvention of Russia sanctions
August 3, 2023

EU extends measures against Belarus to fight circumvention of Russia sanctions

The EU today agreed further restrictive measures against Belarus to ensure that Russian sanctions cannot be circumvented through the country. The new sanctions are in response to Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, and Belarus’s involvement in the aggression.

The measures expand the ban on exports to Belarus to a number of highly sensitive goods and technologies which contribute to Belarus’s military and technological enhancement. The Council of the EU also agreed to impose an additional export ban on firearms and ammunition, and on goods and technology suited for use in aviation and the space industry. The changes also align the Belarus sanctions with the Russia sanctions regime.

These restrictive measures are fast-tracked in view of the urgency linked to the fight against circumvention regarding certain highly sensitive goods and technologies. 

The EU’s sanctions against Russia are proving effective. They are limiting Russia’s ability to wage the war against Ukraine, including to manufacture new weapons and repair existing ones, as well as hinder its transport of material.

The European Commission is determined to make every effort to ensure that the sanctions are implemented and is committed to combating their circumvention. As part of the 11th package of sanctions against Russia, the EU adopted new anti-circumvention measures in June 2023. The EU continues to work closely with third countries, and will continue providing guidance and technical assistance on the scope of EU sanctions.

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