EU and UNDP train Ukrainian social workers on how to interact with people at risk
October 11, 2023

EU and UNDP train Ukrainian social workers on how to interact with people at risk

With financial support from the European Union, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine has organised a series of training events for social workers. 

The main objective was to equip professionals with basic skills for effective communication with people in crisis and in need of psychosocial support. 

Training workshops were held for social workers, social service coordinators and members of multifunctional teams helping people to cope with the consequences of trauma, and assisting those who have experienced gender-based violence. 

During the training, 80 professionals from nine regions of Ukraine deepened their competences in communication in emergency situations, interaction with people at risk,

self-help techniques for maintaining emotional well-being, etc.

The training series was organised within the framework of the ‘EU4Recovery – Empowering Communities in Ukraine’ project, with the financial support of the European Union.

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Press release


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