EU and UNDP support energy themed camp for Moldovan youth
UNDP/ Mihai Grecu
August 23, 2023

EU and UNDP support energy themed camp for Moldovan youth

The European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) supported an energy themed camp for 112 young people aged 15-17 years old in Moldova.

The ten-day ENERGEL summer camp was organised by Gutta-Club, with support from the  ‘Addressing the Energy Crisis in Moldova’ programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP Moldova. 

The camp took place form the 29 July to the 8 August and from the 11 to 21 August.

The itinerary included a visit to Moldova’s largest photovoltaic park, a $4 million investment in the Criuleni district, and a sanitation activity in the village of Răculești.

The children calculated their own climate footprints and put on a climate-themed show. They also took part in practical workshops on the theme of ‘reusing’.

Students are now equipped to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, saving energy, recycling waste, and urging their family and friends to do the same.

The ENERGEL Summer Camp is in its ninth edition and was started in 2011, with the support of the EU and UNDP.

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Press release


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