EU accession: European Commission proposes draft negotiation frameworks with Ukraine and Moldova
March 13, 2024

EU accession: European Commission proposes draft negotiation frameworks with Ukraine and Moldova

On 12 March, the European Commission put forward proposals for draft negotiating frameworks for Ukraine and Moldova to the Council of the European Union, following the decision by the European Council in December 2023 to open negotiations with both countries. 

The Commission will give an oral report to the Council on the progress made by both countries to address the recommendation made in the Commission’s Enlargement report of 8 November.

“Fighting for its existence for more than two years, Ukraine has demonstrated remarkable resilience and commitment and has made substantial progress on its EU path. Despite facing hybrid attacks by Russia, Moldova has made further progress in its EU accession reforms and has shown impressive resilience. The presentation of the draft Negotiating Frameworks for Ukraine and Moldova is a step forward in the process,” said EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

The negotiating frameworks establish the guidelines and principles for the accession negotiations with each candidate country. The draft frameworks prepared by the European Commission are divided into three parts: 1) principles governing the accession negotiations, 2) substance of the negotiations, and 3) negotiations procedure. The objective of the negotiations is that Ukraine and Moldova adopt the EU acquis in its entirety and ensure its full implementation and enforcement.

The draft negotiating frameworks build on the experience of past enlargements and the ongoing accession negotiations. They integrate the revised enlargement methodology and take into account the evolving EU acquis, the European Commission said in a press release. 

It is now for the Council to begin their internal deliberations on these texts. Once the Council has adopted the negotiating frameworks, the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union will present the agreed-upon EU Common Position at the first intergovernmental conference with each country, marking the formal start of the accession negotiations. The negotiating frameworks will be made public at this stage.

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Press release


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