EIB Global reports outline record 2022 investment, up 50% with major financing in Ukraine
May 11, 2023

EIB Global reports outline record 2022 investment, up 50% with major financing in Ukraine

Despite the challenges of supporting Ukraine and investing in an economic recovery after the pandemic, EIB Global, the development arm of the European Investment Bank, financed €10.8 billion in 2022, 50% more than the previous year’s figures.

Last year, the group responded swiftly to the invasion of Ukraine by allocating €1.7 billion to the country. In addition, the EIB team continued to support global health, affordable energy, access to water, renewable energy and sustainable growth everywhere. 

All of the EIB’s activities over the past year are reflected in two reports published by the group.

EIB Global Report: The Story gives more details about the projects that make a difference around the world, with sections on Ukraine, sustainability, climate, and energy.

A companion volume, EIB Global Report: The Impact, presents an analysis of the results of EIB investments and assesses the financial benefits, catalytic effect and technical support the group brings to each project. A separate chapter is devoted to the EU neighbourhood countries.

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