EBRD lends €9.6 million to improve Ukraine’s grain export facilities
Photo by Marina Yalanska on Unsplash
July 14, 2023

EBRD lends €9.6 million to improve Ukraine’s grain export facilities

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is lending €9.6 million to the Ukrainian agribusiness firm Agrosem, to expand a rail terminal near the Polish border and develop a grain transhipment complex and container yards facility, which will increase grain exports from the country.

This project will improve Ukraine’s transport connectivity with the European Union to the country’s west by addressing the shortage of modern transhipment capacity at the Ukrainian-Polish border, a key infrastructure currently constraining grain exports. “Ukraine is a leading food producer and interruptions in supply are detrimental both to Ukrainian agribusiness and for world food security,” explains the EBRD press release.

The EBRD loan is accompanied by a €1.5 million investment grant from the USA, within the country’s contribution to the EBRD’s Ukraine Crisis Response Special Fund, as well as a €2.6 million equity contribution from the company. 

The EBRD has committed to invest €3 billion in Ukraine in 2022-23, with a focus on food and energy security, trade, vital infrastructure and the private sector.

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Press release


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