Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility launches its Communication Labs in Yerevan
November 13, 2023

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility launches its Communication Labs in Yerevan

On 9 and 10 November, the EU-funded Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility project organised a Communication Labs kick-off event in Yerevan as part of their dedicated capacity-building programme for civil society organisations. 

The event aimed to help work jointly on creating communication campaigns through peer discussions and interchange. The project aims to strengthen the role and increase the capacity of CSOs and activists in the Eastern Partnership, to engage in the policy-making processes and policy dialogue, to promote reforms and public accountability, to foster local democracy and local development, and to engage citizens in public debate. 

Twelve civil society organisations from Armenia were selected to participate in the Communication Labs with their campaign ideas. They came together to create communication campaigns through discussion and peer-to-peer exchanges.

As a final stage of the capacity-building programme, up to three campaign ideas from Armenia will be selected. The winners will receive EU funding for implementation and ideas’ launch.

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Press release


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