Bridging the Gap: YEAs organise AI hackathon as a follow-up to the European Youth Hearing
January 17, 2024

Bridging the Gap: YEAs organise AI hackathon as a follow-up to the European Youth Hearing

Following the European Youth Hearing hosted by the European Parliament in November, Young European Ambassadors helped organise the ‘Bridging the Gap’ hackathon on 13-14 January, discussing and offering solutions to the biggest challenges related to artificial intelligence.

The event was organised in collaboration with the relevant EYE Ideas Booster, Claire Patzig and the Hasso Plattner Institute, taking place both online and in person at the Institute’s premises in Potsdam, Germany. AI HOUSE, the largest Ukrainian AI community, also provided support by identifying judges.

Ukrainian YEA Mariam Isoieva took a leading role in the organisation of the event while four more Ukrainian and EU YEAs guided the participating teams. In total, 14 mentors, 10 judges, and 130 participants took part in the activity from 12 different countries.

Participants developed ideas on the influence of AI on democracy, education, environment, and society as a whole as part of two challenges – ‘Data Diplomats’ and ‘JS-Lab’. Winning solutions included displaying the ecological footprint of Large Language Models and a webpage showing how to protect yourself from scams which use audio generation tools.

Organisers also used the opportunity to promote the charity initiative “AI for Ukraine” launched by AI HOUSE.

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Event website 

European Youth Hearing


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