Borrell asks China to influence Russia to return to Grain Deal
October 16, 2023

Borrell asks China to influence Russia to return to Grain Deal

The European Union has called on China to use its influence to make Russia go back to the Black Sea Grain Deal, EU High Representative Josep Borrell told reporters after concluding his visit to the country on 14 October. In Beijing, he discussed a wide range of topics, including the Russian  war against Ukraine. 

“Otherwise, we will face another food crisis,” said Borrell.

He also said he had insisted to his Chinese counterpart Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the need not to support Russia militarily. 

“Until now, China has not provided arms to Russia. And it’s important,” said Borrell at the press conference in Beijing. “I asked him to help us avoid circumvention of sanctions.” 

Borrell also said that he “strongly insists that from a European lens, the war in Ukraine is not against Ukraine, affects not only Ukraine, [it] affects the security of Europeans and is sending shockwaves around the world”

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