Block the hatred, share the love: YEAs learn to tackle hate speech at joint EU-CoE training
January 22, 2024

Block the hatred, share the love: YEAs learn to tackle hate speech at joint EU-CoE training

Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) took part in a three-day training course at the European Youth Centre in Budapest and online between 17-19 January to learn about and discuss the topic of hate speech.

The ‘Promoting equality and non-discrimination and combating hate speech’ event was organised as part of the ‘Block the hatred, share the love’ campaign. It was launched by the European Union and Council of Europe as a response to rising hate speech during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

Twenty-six YEAs from the Eastern Partner countries were joined by YEAs from the Western Balkans for the opportunity to network with peers and take part in activities to learn how to tackle hate speech from experts working at the Council of Europe.

Best practices were presented using the Council of Europe’s Compass manual, previous work of institutions like the Council of Europe, European Union and their partnerships, as well as previous campaigns like the ‘No Hate Speech’ youth campaign.

Georgian YEA Anuki Kvekveskiri said that the programme encouraged inclusivity and understanding.

“We engaged in discussions and activities that aimed to promote equality, combat discrimination, and foster a community that actively opposes hate speech. Through open dialogue, this training empowers individuals to become advocates for positive change,” she said.

Regional and country-specific actions are planned to promote the diversity and equality following the event.


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