Azerbaijan: ‘Study in Europe’ Fair takes place in Baku
November 20, 2023

Azerbaijan: ‘Study in Europe’ Fair takes place in Baku

The Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan hosted a ‘Study in Europe’ education fair in Baku on 18-19 November as part of its programme for the European Year of Skills.

The fair welcomed thousands of young people to the exhibition space in the Hilton Hotel, where universities from eight European countries, Belgium, France, Germany, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Spain and Greece, presented their academic opportunities.

Participants had the opportunity to talk to representatives of higher education institutions, discover study programmes from a variety of fields, and learn about the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.

“At thousands of universities in the Member States of the European Union, there is an emphasis on the highest level of knowledge and research in natural, social and technical sciences, and on using the most advanced achievements and cutting-edge technologies in all areas,” said EU Ambassador Peter Michalko.

The fair featured universities, national promotion agencies, as well as the Erasmus Student Network Azerbaijan.

The European Year of Skills is a European Union initiative which aims to help Europeans get the skills they need to succeed in the job market and supports companies in addressing skill shortages across Europe.

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Europe Education Fair


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