Rahim Mammadli

Rahim Mammadli

  • Country of origin: Azerbaijan
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Azerbaijan, Baku

Rahim studied Business Administration in Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti (Baku Engineering University). His social activities started with the Azerbaijan Cube Association (ACA) and he is currently a board member, organising official competitions in Baku and the remaining regions. Rahim is the co-founder of start-up project “Learn for Change” education course, where he also worked as the lecturer. Rahim’s journey with the EU started in the “Euroschool” where he developed a strong understanding of the EU and its opportunities. Following this, Rahim participated in the European Film Festival as a volunteer and has worked as a Young European Ambassador since 2018. With colleagues, Rahim has organised several workshops and projects which were related with Human Rights and Environment. He has represented Azerbaijan in the 10th year anniversary of EaP in Brussels and in the short term Erasmus+ project in Rustavi, Georgia. Rahim currently works as a Marketing Analyst.

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