Natalia Raiter

Natalia Raiter

  • Name of the social enterprise: SRL “СТИРКА” and “Social Workshop”
  • Country: Moldova
  • City/village: Tiraspol, Transnistria
  • Contact person: Natalia Raiter
  • Industry: Fashion and clothes (also laundry, second-hand)

The enterprise aims to create jobs for girls and women from socially vulnerable groups. Our social enterprise teaches sewing skills and provides jobs. Working hours are flexible, and payment is by the piece. The workshop repairs and sews clothes. Now, up to 10 people can work in the workshop and we plan an expansion of 20 jobs. SRL “СТИРКА” provides washing, drying, and ironing of clothes. Four people are working full-time here.

I am the director of a social enterprise in Tiraspol, Transnistria. Our wish is to help young people, especially girls and women, to get a profession and a job in their home country so that young people do not emigrate to earn money.

[email protected], [email protected]
(+373) 533 96261; (+373) 778 34822

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