Meri Batikyan

Meri Batikyan

  • Country of origin: Armenia
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Armenia, Yerevan

Meri holds a Bachelor degree in Law from Yerevan State University and is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Law at the American University of Armenia (AUA). She is a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Clinic at this university and is passionate about human rights, social justice, and international law. She also participates in a lot of projects conducted by different non-governmental and other organisations, such as the“Armenian Representative Office of the American Bar Association”, “For Equal Rights”, “Article 3 Club”, “The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus”, the “Agate Rights Defence Centre for Women with Disabilities” and “Independent Observer Public Alliance”. She has also participated in legal training, summer schools and other courses, all while already practising law. She believes that the protection of human rights and the spread of democratic values will help build a stronger and better society.

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