Alona Ostapenko

Alona Ostapenko

  • Name of the social enterprise: VALE.O. sorting station
  • Country: Ukraine
  • City/village: Cherkasy
  • Contact person: Alona Ostapenko

1. Reception and sorting of the following waste: plastic, paper and cardboard, expanded polystyrene, composite packaging, juice cartons, dairy product containers, metal waste, cullet, plastic and metal lids, etc. 2. Organic waste / food waste will be collected for composting. 3. Delivery of rubbish for recycling.

My name is Alyona Ostapenko. I am the wife of a participant in the Anti-Terrorism Operation and the Joint Forces Operation. After volunteering for a long time, I am now head of the public organisation VALE.O. I am currently overseeing the implementation of an ecological project, ECO-TAXI. Its main task is to teach people how to manage waste responsibly. VALE.O. also plans to create a social enterprise to collect and sort rubbish. The business aims at employing staff from vulnerable groups, reducing the harmful impact that household waste has on the environment, reducing the volume of household waste, and transforming solid waste management into a self-sustaining and profitable public utility.

[email protected]

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