Cătălina Ceban

Cătălina Ceban

  • Country of origin: EU, Moldova
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Chisinau, Moldova

Cătălina holds a Bachelor degree in International Relations awarded by the Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw). She is currently enrolled on a Master’s degree program in Security and Strategic Studies at the same institution, and further engages with her subject area through participation in a variety of events such as the CyberSec Forum, the Warsaw Security Forum, while also being a member of the Women in International Security network. Recently she became a senior officer at the Moldovan National Focal Point Europol. Aside from the security field, she is also very interested in the European Union as a concept and demonstrated this in her role as Vice President for the Bringing Europeans Together Association in Poland, and founder and Vice President for the students’ society My dla Europy (We for Europe).

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