Саммит LEAP 2017 года в Загребе (Хорватия) для молодых предпринимателей, студентов, молодых специалистов и лидеров НПО
28 февраля, 2017

Саммит LEAP 2017 года в Загребе (Хорватия) для молодых предпринимателей, студентов, молодых специалистов и лидеров НПО

The LEAP Summit 2017 is a global 3 day conference (11-13 May 2017), which will gather more than 2,000 young entrepreneurs, students, young professionals, NGO leaders and change-makers who are leaders in their respective communities.

The main focus of the conference is on themes connected to innovation, IT and modern technologies, entrepreneurship, career development and life-changing stories. LEAP stands for Learn, Engage, Act, and Progress. The Summit is a perfect combination of formal and non-formal program. Formal program consists of series of talks, panel sessions, workshops and interactive discussions. Non-formal program brings to participants rich networking program and a lot of interesting interactive sessions. LEAP Summit brings people from all over the world at one place to learn together in order to solve most pressing challenges of our time.

  • 2,000 People

  • 5 Stages

  • 40+ Countries

  • 3 Days

  • 60+ Speakers

  • Personalised Sessions

  • Unique Workshops

  • Amazing Networking & Party

Ticket Price from 250.00 HRK (± 34 EUR), including: Full access to 3 days conference, Access to all 5 stages, Business Lunch – Networking, Special Networking for Entrepreneurs, Support & Matchmaking, Amazing talks from world-renowned speakers, Access to workshops, Full Access to all Networking events – you will meet people from all over the world, Open mic session, Materials and refreshments, Certificate of Attendance, Access to Exhibition hall, Access to Lounge Area, Party and rich non-formal program, Access to “LEAP Attendees – only” Meetups, Access to pre and post conference events, and Unlimited inspiration!




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