Прием заявок: Поддержка гражданского общества и демократического развития в Беларуси
11 февраля, 2017

Прием заявок: Поддержка гражданского общества и демократического развития в Беларуси


Human Rights are a cornerstone of the foreign policy of the Netherlands. They form the foundation of human dignity and freedom, and as such are vital to the development of democracy, rule of law as well as for economic progress of any state. 

The Netherlands is convinced that dynamic development of  a vibrant, modern and energetic civil society is vital to the quality of democracy, economic development and civilization progress in Belarus. 


In order to support the development of civil society and democracy in Belarus, the Netherlands made two programmes available: the Human Rights Fund and the Netherlands Fund for Regional Partnership – Matra (NFRP – MATRA).

Please find below the description and the requirements of both programmes.

1. General Information

1.1 Introduction to application

Applicants are kindly requested to carefully read the following information on the requirements to obtain funding from the Netherlands Fund for Regional Partnership – Matra (NFRP – MATRA) and Human Rights Fund:

  1. The conditions for approving project proposals are set out further on in this document under ‘ Detailed information on application and requirements’. In principle, The Embassy will award grants to a maximum of € 25,000,- (the Embassy reserves the right to award higher grants in exceptional cases).
  2. The applicants are kindly requested to provide a clear  assessment of their project needs and the amounts indicated in the project budgets. See further the application form.
  3. The Embassy takes great care to ensure that the grants are awarded where they are most needed and that they are properly used. Therefore, applications must be submitted according to the requirements of the NFRP – MATRA or Human Rights Fund.
  4. In addition, project activities and approach have to tie in clearly with the NFRP – MATRA or Human Rights Fund objectives. Applicants must clearly indicate to which of the two available programs they would like to apply to.
  5. The NFRP – MATRA and Human Rights Fund are demand driven.  This means that the Embassy staff will be happy to discuss and consult ideas and themes before an applicant submits a proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail [email protected] or skype: Matra.Kap in case of any inquiries or doubts with regard to your ideas or themes that you would like to address in your project.
  6. The preliminary results of the call for proposals with deadline 13 February 2017 will be available as of 30 March 2017. The applicants are requested to inquire the Embassy about the results.
  7. The final results of the first call for proposals with deadline 13 February 2017 will be known as of 20 April 2017

1.2 Introduction to NFRP – MATRA and Human Rights Fund

1.2.1. The Netherlands Fund for Regional Partnership – Matra (NFRP – MATRA)

In order to be eligible for a NFRP – MATRA grant projects must aim at promotion of the process of transformation of Belarus into a pluralist, democratic country by helping to create a stronger engaged civil society. NFRP – MATRA is a demand-driven programme.

Examples of eligible activities:

  • Initiatives to strengthen the rule of law;
  • Initiatives aimed at the promotion of the public participation;
  • Initiatives strengthening civic activism;
  • Initiatives to strengthen non-governmental institutions’ ability to influence transformation processes;
  • Initiatives to strengthen the role of innovative education in a civic active society;
  • Initiatives connected to change society’s attitude towards Human Rights;

Detailed information on application and requirements 

1.2.2. Human Rights Fund 

As part of the global community the Netherlands wishes to promote freedom in the world. The human rights policy of the Dutch government reflects that responsibility.

The objective of the Human Rights Fund is to support initiatives that promote the implementation of fundamental freedoms and the protection of the rights of groups of people that are subject to discrimination.

The main principles of the Dutch Human Rights Policy are set out in the document “Human Rights Policy – justice and respect for all” which can be downloaded directly HERE. For this call for proposals the Embassy will select projects explicitly focusing on:

  • Human Rights Defenders;
  • Equal Rights for Women;
  • Equal rights for LGBT;
  • Freedom of Speech and Internet; Freedom of Religion and Belief; Freedom of the Press;
  • Human Rights and Development;
  • Business and Human Rights;

A detailed description of themes covered by the HRF can be found here: “Human Rights Policy: Justice and Respect for All” ( p. 22-37.)

Detailed information on application and requirements




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