6-я Международная ежегодная выставка, посвященная теме: “Изобретения, инновации и предпринимательство европейских женщин”
3 марта, 2017

6-я Международная ежегодная выставка, посвященная теме: “Изобретения, инновации и предпринимательство европейских женщин”

The 6th Bi-annual International European Women’s Invention, Innovation & Enterprise Network will take place from 28 to 29 June in Bari, Italy.

The event will focus on relevant issues relating to intellectual property rights, growing enterprises, with a particular focus on exceptionally creative ideas, innovation and technologies.


About the awards

The International EU-WIIN awards aim to showcase the work of innovative women. They can be entrepreneurs, engineers, technologists, designers, etc.

Nomination Criteria 

EU-WIIN is looking for exceptionally creative, inventive, innovative, entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, technologists, designers from all sectors and background right across Europe.


The deadline for receipt of an award nomination is 1 April 2017.

Nominations received after the deadline will be held for consideration for the following year.


  1. Lone Inventor
  2. Exceptional Creative Women with item, concept or service
  3. Exceptional Creative, Inventive, or Innovative Women In Micro-enterprise or New start up business with no more than 10 employees
  4. Exceptionally Creative, Inventive, or Innovative Women In Small business with more than 10 to 49 employees
  5. Exceptional Creative, Inventive, or Innovative Women In Medium sized Industry with more than 50 – 250 employees
  6.  Exceptional Creative, Inventive, or Innovative Women In Large Industry with more than 250 employees
  7. Innovative Capacity Building Initiatives or Projects
  8. Exceptional Creative Women/ Inventors/Innovators In Higher Education & Learning Institutions
  9. Women in Product Design and Development
  10. nventive or innovative team (the woman needs to have made a significant contribution to be recognised and all members of the team must agree to the nomination).
  11. Chairman’s Discretionary Award
  12. Lifetime Achievement Award

New categories

*UNDER 25 YOUNG INVENTORS & INNOVATORS: young people (female & male) solving problems in a variety of ingenious ways that provide opportunities and impact on the quality of life on many.

*SOCIAL INNOVATION: women led social innovations with strategies, concepts and ideas that have a social purpose, meet social needs and contribute to a better quality of life for many. A special emphasis on community development projects that focus on knowledge and learning opportunities, social housing, healthy living and environmental improvements to name a few.

*DIGITAL INNOVATION: relevance in the social mobile, analytics and cloud arena. Special focus would be on the use of digital concepts, products and services that interact with the business community as well as those having a social impact.

*OPEN INNOVATION: presenting opportunities towards a open way of innovating and have created great impact and success

*OUTSTANDING MALE CHAMPIONS: Male that have supported and contributed to the economic empowerment and achievements of ingenious women or organisations that support ingenious women.



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