Support to Integrated Border Management in Georgia

The project is part of the EU4 Security, Accountability and Fight against Crime in Georgia" (SAFE) programme, and contributes to increased security of Georgian citizens by strengthening good governance and rule of law in Georgia.

The project provides support to the consolidation of Integrated Border Management in Georgia through:
- Improvement of detection of illegal activities occurring at borders and more effective response
- Strengthening capability of the Coast Guard in Search and Rescue and Blue Border security operations.
- Enhancing accountability and integrity of border agencies and respect of the rule of law, human rights and gender.
- Enhancing capacities of Border Police and Patrol Police to train their staff in operational, technical and rights-based considerations as they relate to their work.
Obiectivul specific
To provide support to the consolidation of Integrated Border Management in Georgia, while fully taking into account human rights and integration of the gender perspective.
Rezultatele așteptate
1.1 Surveillance systems installed, communications equipment and vehicles delivered to Georgian Border Police.
1.2 Identity management equipment for Patrol Police for International Airports delivered, installed and linked to relevant databases to ensure faster and more accurate ID Management of Georgian citizens and interdictions of criminals.
1.3 Identity management equipment procured and delivered to MIA Academy to strengthen technological awareness of new Police recruits, and to Patrol Police to enhance passenger processing and document verification capacities.
Equipment for Customs control procured and delivered to Revenue Service to increase their capacities in screening passengers and goods at Border Crossing Points (BCPs)
1.4 Network equipment and machinery for enhancing interconnectivity and communication capabilities among Border Authorities procured and delivered to Operative Technical Agency (OTA) under State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG)
1.6 Ad-hoc required equipment provided to Georgian Border Authorities
2.1 Inshore fast response boats for Georgian Coast Guard procured
3.1 Satisfaction Survey conducted, and report shared with beneficiaries
4.1 A Monitoring and Evaluation methodology is developed to accurately monitor IBM Strategy and Action Plan progress against the objectives and targets therein.
4.2 IBM Action Plan is developed and enacted
4.3 Passenger Name Record (PNR) agreement with the EU is drafted
5.1 A Training Needs Assessment for the Border Police is produced and validated by the MIA.
5.2 MIA Academy officials have better knowledge and training skills on key IBM issues.
5.3 Patrol Police, Border Police and Revenue Service personnel have better knowledge on key IBM issues
5.4 An Advanced Distance Learning system is available
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care abilitează
Migrația și mobilitatea
Starea proiectului:
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