Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight in Public Finances

Twinning Project aims to strengthen parliamentary oversight in public finances. For that purpose, it will support ongoing developments of Parliamentary Budget Office and Budget and Finance Committee by strengthening their analytical capacity, communication strategies with stakeholders and ensure improved cooperation with civil society and general public. The activities of the project will increase accountability and improve fiscal transparency and contribute to the reinforcement of democratic legitimacy thus bringing direct benefit to Georgian citizens.
Obiectivul specific
The Overall Objective of the project is to strengthen fiscal governance through enhanced budgetary
frameworks, external audit, independent monitoring as well as participation and oversight of public
The Specific Objectives:
- to strengthen parliamentary oversight in public finances;
- to enhance independence and institutional capacities of the Parliamentary Budget Office
- to increase the efficiency of the cooperation of the Budget and Finance Committee with relevant institutions and other
parliamentary entities, as well as civil society.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Analytical Capacity of the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) increased;
- Visibility of the PBO increased;
- The Parliament’s Budget and Finance Committee’s communication with key actors of the budget process enhanced;
- Increased efficiency of BFC cooperation with other institutions and parliamentary committees;
- Improved BFC cooperation with the civil society and the general public;

Parliament of Georgia
Harta proiectului
Kick-off Event
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care abilitează
Reforma Administrației Publice
Buna guvernare
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

Interesat(ă) de ultimele știri și oportunități?

Acest site este gestionat de Programul Regional de Comunicare finanțat de UE pentru Vecinătatea Estică ("VECINII UE de la est") 2020-2024. Programul completează și sprijină comunicarea Delegațiilor Uniunii Europene în țările partenere din est și operează sub îndrumarea Direcției Generale Vecinătate și Negocieri privind Extinderea a Comisiei Europene și a Serviciului European de Acțiune Externă. Programul este implementat de consorțiul condus de GOPA PACE.

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