Elections for All 2021: Domestic Observations and Citizens Empowerment by Civil Society

With financial support from the European Union, the Project will contribute to improving the Armenian democratic process by fostering CSO coordinated oversight and monitoring for inclusive, gender-sensitive, transparent, free, and fair elections in 2021 both at local and national levels.
The Project will open new avenues for the substantive participation of disadvantaged groups of society in Armenian politics along the electoral cycle by relying on NGO oversight and evidence-based advocacy work.
Obiectivul specific
- A strong policy and advocacy CSO network is facilitated for the joint monitoring of the Parliamentary and local level elections in Armenia during 2021 and the launching of follow-up advocacy initiatives on a multiparty basis.
- A strong evidence base is collected on women’s electoral behaviour to uphold reliable and feasible follow-up recommendations and policy proposals to address the core causes hindering women's political activism in the country.
- A comprehensive analysis of the electoral process is provided through short-term and long-term electoral observation by the Independent Observer Public Alliance to support the consolidation of democratization of electoral processes in Armenia.
- Participation of youth, with the focus on first-time voters, in elections and local and regional life is promoted. A permanent network of education professionals/ teachers is established that advocates the role of the voter and civic education for active and democratic citizenship.
Rezultatele așteptate
 Policy briefs (at least 3) will be developed for inclusive, gender-sensitive and participatory electoral processes;
 CS network will be facilitated to carry joint advocacy after the elections and beyond the project lifetime.
 Comparative Research on Women’s Electoral Behaviour during the parliamentary and local elections in Armenia will be conducted to reveal the motivations and hindering factors of women’s political participation in Armenia.
 “Women Voice” online media campaign will be initiated to provide the media platform for women active leaders to voice the challenges that they face during the elections in the light of recent policy reforms and provide recommendations for further gender-transformative policy reforms in the country.
 Specific measures and capacities will be mobilized to identify and address any electoral violations happening on the Election Day during the National Assembly Elections and the local elections in Autumn 2021.
 During the long-term and short-term observation (LTO and STO) citizen and observer reports on violations will be received and processed by a team of 3 LTO and 30 STO lawyers.
 A comprehensive assessment of the recent electoral reform will be conducted based on the findings of domestic and international observations.
 Development and Publication of Teachers Guideline and “First Time Voters” Manual
 An interactive education platform/website/database containing the necessary information for first-time voters, created during the previous Project (Election4All) will be updated serving as a further source of civic and voter education.
 ToT: Around 500 active education professionals from selected respective schools mainly from regions of Armenia will be involved in an intensive training course.
 Voting Simulation in 50 High Schools of Armenia will be run by trained teachers/ headmasters
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
On Project Results
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