
The "EU4Culture" is a project funded by the European Union, running from January 2021 to December 2024. It supports the cultural and creative sector with a special focus on non-capital cities and towns in the Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
Obiectivul specific
The overall objective of the EU4Culture is to support culture's role as an engine for growth and social development across the region.

Specifically, the project aims to:

- Support the enhancement of the role of the cultural sector as driver of economic development.
- Promote intercultural dialogue for peaceful inter-community relations and knowledge exchange across the countries.
- Contribute to improving local governance in the culture sector through support for regulatory processes and participative policy dialogue.
Rezultatele așteptate
The project will:

- Support the development and implementation of local Cultural Development Strategies: up to three non-capital cities and towns in each partner country will receive €30,000 to develop a Cultural Development Strategy; one of those three will then receive up to €300,000 to implement its Strategy;
- Launch a grant scheme for local and regional festivals, cultural projects and cross-innovation projects.
- Organise a mobility scheme for artists and cultural professionals.
- Provide capacity building support to selected towns in the fields of Internationalisation, Cultural Enterprise and Management, and Cultural Indicators and Statistics.
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
EU4Culture 1st Regional Network Conference
Podcast with a Mobility Grants Beneficiary - Tatevik Saroyan
Podcast with a Mobility Grants Beneficiary - Aghasi Tadevosyan
Podcast with a Mobility Grants Beneficiary - Vahram Martirosyan
Podcast with a Mobility Grants Beneficiary - Zaruhi Hakobyan
Podcast with a Mobility Grants Beneficiary - Susanna Khachatryan
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates
Țările PaE:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

Interesat(ă) de ultimele știri și oportunități?

Acest site este gestionat de Programul Regional de Comunicare finanțat de UE pentru Vecinătatea Estică ("VECINII UE de la est") 2020-2024. Programul completează și sprijină comunicarea Delegațiilor Uniunii Europene în țările partenere din est și operează sub îndrumarea Direcției Generale Vecinătate și Negocieri privind Extinderea a Comisiei Europene și a Serviciului European de Acțiune Externă. Programul este implementat de consorțiul condus de GOPA PACE.

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