List of issues on the implementation of CEDAW in Belarus
October 5, 2023

List of issues on the implementation of CEDAW in Belarus

This submission was prepared by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and other NGOs for the 83rd Pre-Sessional Working Group of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and contains information on a wide range of issues related to the realization of women’s rights in Belarus as well as a list of questions that it would be useful to ask the Belarusian authorities.

During 2021 Belarusian civil society organizations and initiatives, including those who were engaged in the protection and promotion of women’s rights, were subjected to various forms of repression: administrative and criminal prosecution of their members, unreasonable requests for information, inspections, searches, coercion to make a decision on self-liquidation, forced liquidation. This had a negative impact, among other things, on the protection of women affected by domestic violence, on women’s participation in public and political life.

The report includes following chapters: Equality and non-discrimination, Access to justice, National human rights institution, Civil society, including women human rights defenders, Stereotypes, Gender-based violence against women, Participation in political and public life, Education, Employment, Sexual harrassment in the workplace, Health, Economic and social benefits, Rural women,  Desandvantaged groups of women.

Belarusian Helsinki Committee for the 83rd pre-sessional working group of CEDAW, 2022.


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