Gender equality in the judiciary of Armenia: Challenges and Opportunities
September 20, 2021

Gender equality in the judiciary of Armenia: Challenges and Opportunities

The objective of the study is to identify gender challenges in the judiciary in Armenia, to explore causes and effects of gender disparities and to provide better-informed, gender-responsive solutions to the identified inequalities. Specific objectives of the study are as follows: 

-To assess the gender balance at all levels of the judiciary in Armenia; 

-To identify key barriers preventing women’s career development in the judiciary; 

-To assess opportunities for women’s participation and career development in the judiciary;

– To propose mechanisms for improving women’s equal representation and career development in the judiciary.

The study also provides the legal basis of gender equality in the judiciary, as well as arguments and benefits of gender balance in the judiciary.

European Council, European Union, Yerevan,  2021



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