Culture Moves Europe: applicants from Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine selected for individual mobility programme
July 19, 2023

Culture Moves Europe: applicants from Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine selected for individual mobility programme

One Armenian, 23 Georgian and 107 Ukrainian applicants have been selected in the first call for individual mobility to implement their cultural mobility projects travelling to another Creative Europe country. Four of the selected Ukrainian applicants are virtual projects.

A total of 1,800 applicants from 40 countries were selected in this call. The overall number of beneficiaries is relatively proportionate to the size of the countries’ population.

Beneficiaries selected 38 countries in which to implement their projects and the most popular mobility destinations were Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands.

The most popular sectors are visual (34.15%) and performing arts (24.72%), and music (20.97%).

The new rolling call for individual mobility of artists and cultural professionals will open in October 2023.

Culture Moves Europe provides mobility grants for artists and cultural professionals in all 40 Creative Europe countries. It covers the sectors of architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literary translation, music, performing arts and visual arts. Funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Culture Moves Europe is implemented by the Goethe-Institut.

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