Oleksandra Verheles

Oleksandra Verheles

  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksandra is currently working as an assistant lawyer at the Ukrainian NGO “Eastern Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives,” alongside her Master’s degree studies at Київський національний університет iменi Тараса Шевченка (Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko). At the NGO her main duty is to provide legal aid to internally displaced Ukrainian nationals. Oleksandra is also an active member of ELSA where she also organises a variety of events connected with human rights. Oleksandra believes that Ukraine should deepen its relationship with the European Union as this cooperation will guarantee that Ukraine will become a prosperous democratic state. Thus, she has participated in several projects connected with the EU in a way to gain more knowledge on the topic. Oleksandra is excited to become an Ambassador and to implement her own initiatives geared towards sharing European values in Ukraine, while also sharing her own experience with others.

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