Bianca Raețchi

Bianca Raețchi

  • Country of origin: EU
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: The Netherlands

Bianca is a Computer Science student at University of Groningen in the Netherlands, while actively pursuing a career as a Frontend Engineer. She is passionate about solving real-life issues with the help of technology. Bianca has volunteered for a well-known NGO in Moldova, GirlsGoIT, giving the participants their first insight into the STEM world, with the hope of attracting a new generation of girls to the field of Computer Science. By joining the Young European Ambassadors’ initiative, she aspires to take actionable steps to improve the quality of life in Moldova. 

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This website is managed by the EU-funded Regional Communication Programme for the Eastern Neighbourhood ('EU NEIGHBOURS east’), which complements and supports the communication of the Delegations of the European Union in the Eastern partner countries, and works under the guidance of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, and the European External Action Service. EU NEIGHBOURS east is implemented by a GOPA PACE-led consortium. It is part of the larger Neighbourhood Communication Programme (2020-2024) for the EU's Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood, which also includes 'EU NEIGHBOURS south’ project that runs the EU Neighbours portal.

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