Aleksandre Sivolapovi

Aleksandre Sivolapovi

  • Country of origin: Georgia
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Georgia

Aleksandre is a young professional working in the financial field with a keen interest in economics and data sciences. He graduated from Caucasus University (CU) with one of the highest academic distinctions received at the university, achieving a GPA of 4.0 and earning the CU President’s Award. After a year-long internship at Nestle Georgia, he is now in the position of a financial analyst at the same company. Actively participating in impactful projects and conferences, Aleksandre presents on topics such as Georgia’s EU prospects and economic effects of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. His passion for youth involvement has led him to partake in an Erasmus+ project in Poland, enkindling his dedication and commitment to ensuring international collaboration among people. Selected by the Council of Europe, he took part in the Youth Peace Camp 2023 in Strasbourg, an event emphasising the importance of dialogue and peacebuilding. Aleksandre firmly believes in Georgia’s European future and actively aspires to contribute to raising awareness of EU values and opportunities among young people.

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