Lizi Begheladze

Lizi Begheladze

  • Country of origin: Georgia
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Georgia

Lizi is an active citizen, who along with her academic goals, tries to engage in numerous extracurricular activities. She is studying Management at “KIU” while running Youth for Zestafoni, a nonprofit organisation in her hometown which she co-founded at the age of 16. In addition she actively volunteers and exemplifies a hands-on commitment to fostering positive change in her community. She is currently working part time as a teacher at “Book Generation” and has diverse hobbies. As a painter and graphic designer, she channels her ideas into visual expression. Her fascination with cultures and languages is complemented by being a social media manager, blending her interests seamlessly. She enjoys reading, videography, and she manages her own YouTube channel. Her love for technology extends to coding, where she explores the world of programming. She also creates animations, plays the piano and the ukulele, and is fond of sharing ideas and European values with other young people in her country. She hopes the experience she has so far will help her perform better in her duties as a Young European Ambassador.

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