Ukraine and Moldova connected to European power grid
March 16, 2022

Ukraine and Moldova connected to European power grid

The electricity grids of Ukraine and Moldova were successfully synchronised with the Continental European Grid today. “This will help Ukraine to keep their electricity system stable, homes warm and lights on during these dark times. It is also a historic milestone for the EU-Ukraine relationship – in this area, Ukraine is now part of Europe,” said EuropeanCommissioner for Energy Kadri Simson.

Kadri thanked the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO E) “for doing a year’s work in two weeks to make this happen.

“The EU will continue to support Ukraine in the energy sector, by ensuring the reverse flows of gas to the country and the delivery of energy supplies that are badly needed,” she said.

In a press release, ENTSO E said the trial synchronisation of the Continental European Power System with the power systems of Ukraine and Moldova had begun today. “Continental Europe TSOs (Transmission System Operators) are now supporting the stability of the Ukrainian-Moldovan power system following a positive analysis which confirmed that an emergency synchronisation is technically feasible with a number of measures to ensure safe and secure power systems.

“This is a significant milestone for the Continental Europe TSOs working in collaboration with Ukrenergo and Moldelectrica that are operating their respective power systems under extremely difficult circumstances.

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Press release


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