Ukraine: new wave of Climate Innovation Vouchers worth up to €50,000 each
January 14, 2022

Ukraine: new wave of Climate Innovation Vouchers worth up to €50,000 each

A new wave of the Climate Innovation Vouchers initiative, supported by the EBRD and funded by the European Union, starts in Ukraine on Monday, January 17.

Ukrainian SMEs will be able to receive up to €50,000 to develop climate innovation, environmentally friendly technologies, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase energy efficiency.

Small or medium businesses implementing or developing environmentally friendly technologies, registered as private companies in Ukraine, operating at least one year before application, and ready to co-finance the project at least 25% of the grant amount, are eligible to apply.

The Climate Innovation Vouchers project is supported by the EBRD under the FINTECC programme, funded by the EU through its EU4CLIMATE initiative. In 2017, Ukraine became the first country to benefit from the Vouchers scheme. In 2021, six Ukrainian companies received a total amount of €240,000 for implementing green innovations in their business.

Find out more

Press release

To register

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