Daniela Butnaru

Daniela Butnaru

  • Name of the social enterprise: Knotbee
  • Country: Moldova
  • City/village: Chișinău
  • Contact person: Daniela Butnaru
  • Industry: Manufacturing

Knotbee produces eco-friendly bags and accessories for women. Every bag is handmade and adapted to each woman’s preferences. Knotbee bags provide a sustainable and stylish alternative.

Daniela Butnaru is a life-loving child, a creator of beautiful things, a beloved woman and the mother of the most wonderful girl in the entire universe. I am developing a business from scratch, one step at a time, offering it a little bit of my creativity and imagination every day. I care for our home – Mother Earth, and I strive to make it cleaner and more beautiful. I make very stylish eco-friendly bags and accessories from recycled cotton fibres. This small business was born of a passion I developed during my maternity leave, one that has stayed with me ever since.

[email protected]; 069972132

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