Oleksandra Tsyuman

Oleksandra Tsyuman

  • Name of the social enterprise: “Precious Plastic” Studio
  • Country: Ukraine
  • City/village: Kharkiv
  • Contact person: Oleksandra Tsyuman
  • Industry: Education and training, Manufacturing

1. Production of new products from recycled plastic 2. Sales of recycled goods 3. Conducting mini-training, training and visits to the workshop 4. Selling masterclasses on making something from recycled plastic

My name is Sasha, and I want to tell and show the residents of our city how new products can be made from unnecessary household plastic with the help of special equipment. With the team of supporters, we want to develop a mainstream for reuse, sorting, and recycling the waste in our city. We dream of creating a “Precious Plastic” studio, in which masters, architects and designers will work permanently, develop new types of recycled plastic products, produce them and then sell them. I have analysed dozens of similar “Precious Plastic” studios worldwide and know how to make our workshops the most effective and popular. We have a competent team, knowledge of working with plastics, and a strategy for developing the workshops, sales, and promotion channels.

[email protected]
+38066 555 23 87

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