Victoria Novac

Victoria Novac


I’m a social entrepreneur, a play expert, a volunteer, and mother of Elisa and Rebeca. I have been volunteering since the age of 15. In 2008, I won an award for most active volunteer of the year. I am a graduate of Aspire Academy, YTILI, One Young World, Changemakerxchange, SEECEL, Responsible Business Generation. I have mentored and guided young people who wanted to open a business. I take care of the next generation. I like to think that I contribute alongside their parents and teachers to the education, training and growth of a new generation, which we dubbed ”The EduJoc Generation”. We founded “EduJoc” to promote mental development, continuous and active learning among children. We offer a wide range of role-playing games and educational toys that stimulate and leverage the creative potential of children.


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