Promoting greater civic awareness and engagement in judicial reforms and facilitating increased access to justice through holistic multi-agency action

The Project will be ongoing for 36 months, starting on 1 January 2024. The overall objective of the action is promote accessibility, independence, transparency, impartiality, and accountability within the justice system, including judicial reforms.
Конкретные цели
Taking into account the challenges in the judiciary and lack of information of civic awareness and engagement in judicial reforms, the overall objective of the action is to promote accessibility, independence, transparency, impartiality, and accountability within the justice system, including judicial reforms.
More particularly:
- Factors, affecting independence and neutrality of courts and individual judges are analysed, recommendations developed and made publicly available;
- Institutional challenges of key institutions of the judicial system are analysed, recommendations developed and made publicly available;
- Capacity of civil society groups and NGOs on shadow reporting is strengthened;
- Civil society groups and public have increased awareness on main aspects of judiciary reforms and access to justice;
- Vulnerable groups have better access to justice through pro bono legal aid and strategic litigation;
Ожидаемые результаты
1. Civil society groups have better oversight of justice reforms and improved access to justice;
2. Transparency, accountability and accessibility of judiciary is enhanced by better availability of reasoned court decisions and investigative journalism.
Карта проекта
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое защищает
Верховенство права и права человека
Правосудие, Гражданское общество
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Социальные сети:
Номер проекта ЕС:

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