Ensuring the Effective Coordination in Implementation of the Long-term Tasks Set by the EU-Georgia Visa Liberalization Action Plan

The project supports the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) to continue and complete implementation of the third phase of developing a sustainable migration management system in Georgia, framed by the long-term vision and priorities reflected in Migration Strategy (MS) 2021-2030. The project builds on the experience and success of previous large-scale initiative, and envisages finalising the development and adoption of MS 2021-2030, based on the experience gained from the implementation of the MS 2016-2020.

The project further develops Unified Migration Data Analytical System (UMAS) and increases its application in producing key analytical documents (e.g. Migration Profiles, thematic research studies, etc.), carrying out the migration risk analysis and effective decision-making.

The SCMI Secretariat will facilitate implementation of MS 2021-2030 by coordinating development/adoption of annual MS Action Plans (APs). It will effectively perform monitoring and evaluation of their implementation in accordance with requirements of EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA) and the latest regulations enforced in 2020 by the Administration of the Government of Georgia within the framework of the Public Administration Reform (PAR).
Obiectivul specific
To support State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) in successful fulfillment of the priorities EU-Georgia Association Agreement/Agenda, respective long-term tasks of Visa Liberalization Action Plan and UN Sustainable Development Goals (target 10.7) as well as assist in finalizing the third phase of development of sustainable migration management system in Georgia.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Migration Strategy 2021-2030 is kicked-off and its annual Action Plans 2021-2024 elaborated
- All contemporary migration-related actions effectively coordinated and sustained beyond the present project through further enhancement of institutional capacities of SCMI MAs;
- Relevant analytical products for evidence based migration policy development and implementation (e.g. Migration Profile) elaborated employing UMAS and research on migration issues is carried out according to the priority areas of MS 2021-2030, enhanced through collaboration with local and international partners and experts;
- Georgia’s representation at international migration related platforms enhanced, ensuring experience exchange and highlighting the best EU initiatives created at the national level;
- Members of the SCMI responsible for the information campaign on migration related issues, emphasizing visa-free travel with EU supported in spreading accurate information countrywide on legal means of migration and consequences of illegal migration.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care protejează
Cooperare transfrontalieră și managementul frontierelor
Cooperarea transfrontalieră
Starea proiectului:
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