
The EU-funded project, implemented by the Eurasia Partnership Foundation in partnership with Constitution Research Foundation aims to create and test a sustainable replicable agri-tourism/ecotourism development mechanism that would help rural households in southern regions of Azerbaijan increase their revenue and intensify the connection between urban and rural populations in Azerbaijan. The project promotes conceptual framework exploring how small and medium-size farms can combine agricultural products and tourism into an ecotourism strategy.
Obiectivul specific
The project has three objectives:

Objective 1: To improve collaboration between local, regional, and national public and
private agri-tourism/ecotourism stakeholders and to promote a strategic and collaborative
approach to the development of Azerbaijan’s agri-tourism/ecotourism sector;

Objective 2: To strengthen capacity of public and private agri-tourism/ecotourism
stakeholders and business advisory service providers;

Objective 3: To increase visibility and outreach of agri-tourism/ecotourism destinations in
southern Azerbaijan for in-county and overseas audiences through investment support and
consumer education.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Improved expertise of local private and public stakeholders in strategic planning; sustainable dialogue between private and public stakeholders in the agri-food production and tourism sectors; high-quality sustainable agri-tourism/ecotourism strategies;
- Access to information and business support services among private agri-tourism/ecotourism stakeholders; enhanced capacity of local agri-tourism/ecotourism stakeholders; several new destinations for agri-tourism/ecotourism and upgraded existing ones;
- Improved volume and quality of the information about TDs in the project regions; general awareness about opportunities agri-tourism/ecotourism offers.
Documente de proiect
Trainings on how to conduct a self-evaluation process of study programmes
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Baku Food Hackathon
Educational weekend
Educational weekend
Training on “How to start agritourism?”
Training on “How to start agritourism?”
Town Hall Meeting
Promotion Video for TD 10
Promotion Video for TD 9
Promotion Video for TD 8
Promotion Video for TD 7
Promotion Video for TD 6
Promotion Video for TD 5
Promotion Video for TD 4
Promotion Video for TD 3
Promotion Video for TD 2
Promotion Video for TD 1
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates
Agriculture and rural development
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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