Support to Sakpatenti

This project is part of EU’s efforts to assist Georgia in fulfilling the terms set out in the Association Agreement.
Main focus of the project is to promote implementation of priorities in the field of intellectual property rights, as identified in the EU-Georgia Association Agenda for 2017-2020:
- Ensuring rights holders a high level of intellectual property protection and enforcement;
- Strengthening the enforcement capacity of Georgian authorities;
- Supporting the activities of the National Intellectual Property Centre of Georgia, ‘Sakpatenti’;
- Taking measures to increase public awareness in the field of intellectual property, as well as against counterfeiting and piracy.
Obiectivul specific
To contribute to achievement of adequate and effective level of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in Georgia in accordance with the commitments of the Association Agreement.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Strengthened institutions, networks, and personnel working in the field of intellectual property, for a more efficient and user-friendly intellectual property rights system.
- Enforced cooperation to support modernisation, transparency and fair implementation of intellectual property enforcement policies in Georgia.
- Increased awareness on the benefits of a comprehensive intellectual property rights system among opinion makers and specific segments of the general public in Georgia.
Study on Economic benefits of IP in Georgia
Creativity and IP in Georgian schools
Support to IP enforcement network in Georgia
Study on economic impact of counterfeiting and piracy in Georgia
Support to e-filing system
Support to certification on mediation
Development of IP Scan services and IP pre-diagnostics for the benefit of SMEs
Alignment of common practices with the European Union Intellectual Property Network
Capacity building activities in 2022
Capacity building activities in 2021
Policy-level stakeholder event to promote importance of IPR
Raising awareness among SMEs about the benefits of IP
Standardisation and codification of the Statute of the Chamber of Appeals at Sakpatenti
Capacity development of human resources
Alignment of Practices with the European Union Intellectual Property Network Common Practice
Capacity Building of Sakpatenti
Support to Sakpatenti’s Training Centre
Comparative analysis of Georgian legislation on trade marks and designs
National Intellectual Centre of Georgia (Sakpatenti)
Comparative study of the EU and Georgian legislations on copyright
Creativity and IP in Georgian Schools
Compilation of decisions of the European Court of Justice, General Court and EUIPO Boards of Appeal
Comparative analysis of the EU and Georgian legislations on enforcement
Completion of integration in TMClass, translation of Harmonised Database of Goods and Services for trade mark classification
Modernisation and alignment of Quality Management System and automation processes
Development of trade mark guidelines for examiners: convergence of practices in line with EU acquis
Development of design guidelines for examiners: convergence of practices in line with EU acquis
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
National Intellectual Centre of Georgia (Sakpatenti)
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care creează
Economie și comerț
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

Interesat(ă) de ultimele știri și oportunități?

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