Transparent Cities e-platform for cooperation of citizens and local governments for accountability and good governance

Through the implementation of the “Transparent Cities e-platform for cooperation of citizens and local governments for accountability and good governance” project, TI Ukraine seeks to enhance its initiative on City Transparency Ranking by launching an online-platform as a key project tool aimed at improving cooperation between the CSOs and local self-government bodies. Better cooperation will strengthen their capacities for proactive securing of the citizens' rights to access information and participate in development and implementation of decisions that directly affect them.
Obiectivul specific
• Empower a coalition of 20 CSOs to assess accountability and governance practices in 14 areas at 50 cities through the innovative TransparentCities e-platform.
• Foster the development of 30 communities through supporting cooperation with civil society, usage of accountability tools and replication of best initiatives from other cities.
• Engage citizens and activists in 50 cities to participate in the promotion of good governance through the TransparentCities e-platform.
Rezultatele așteptate
A full-fledged e-platform containing comprehensive information on transparency and accountability of 50 cities.
20 CSO engaged across 50 cities coordinated by five regional coordinators that use the e-platform.
No less than 20,000 people reached by the awareness raising campaign on transparency and accountability.
2,000 unique users of the e-platform by the end of the Action.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Online Presentation of the Handbook Best Practices of Transparency in Ukrainian City Councils
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care protejează
Guvernare și administrație publică
Buna guvernare
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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