Strengthening Cross-Sectoral Collaboration for Social Cohesion (SC3) Project

The Strengthening Cross-Sectoral Collaboration for Social Cohesion (SC3) Project is a 36-month project aimed at effectively addressing development challenges and opportunities at local level through improved cooperation between civil society organisations (CSOs) and local authorities (LAs) in Ukraine. It will be delivered by the British Council working with three experienced (CSO) co-applicants: NGO “Strong Community” – based in the east of Ukraine, NGO “Youth Platform” – based in the west of Ukraine and Kherson Regional Charitable Fund “Union” – based in the south of Ukraine. The project will operate across all of the Government-controlled areas (GCA) of Ukraine, including GCA of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Obiectivul specific
The overall objective of the project is to address local development challenges and opportunities more effectively and innovatively through joint and mutually reinforcing initiatives of local authorities and CSOs, leading to greater social cohesion at community level.

Specifically, the programme aims to:
SO1 aims for CSOs based in and working with local communities across Ukraine to enhance their influence and cooperation with state bodies, for greater effectiveness and sustainability
SO2 of the action intends that LAs engage more innovatively and productively with communities in addressing local development issues, thereby improving trust and understanding between communities and local government
Rezultatele așteptate
1) CSOs based in and working with local communities across Ukraine enhance their influence and cooperation with state bodies, for greater effectiveness and sustainability.

2) LAs engage more innovatively and productively with communities in addressing local development issues, thereby improving trust and understanding between communities and local government.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
National conference "Laboratory of cooperation" (online)
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care abilitează, Parteneriat care protejează
Societatea civilă, Guvernare și administrație publică
Societatea civilă, Dezvoltarea locală, Dialogul
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

Interesat(ă) de ultimele știri și oportunități?

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