Rehabilitation of Municipal Infrastructure Facilities in Batumi Phase III (Water supply and sewerage of Batumi and surrounding villages)

The EU is supporting rehabilitation of vital infrastructure in Georgia. This project ensures rehabilitation of water supply and sewage system for Batumi and three neighbouring settlements (Chakvi, Mtsvane Kontskhi/Greencape and Makhinjauri) served by the same transmission main line.

The project modernizes existing water supply infrastructure and provides a decentralised system for the environmentally friendly discharge of wastewater. To achieve this, devices are installed to manage uncontrolled extraction of water from the main Batumi transmission line and the provision of services from the local water utility “Batumi Tskali”.

In addition, sewage systems are decentralised in Chakvi to ensure environmentally sound disposal of wastewater in order to reduce health risks for the population. It also reduces pollution load to the Black Sea.

The project is part of a larger initiative that provides Batumi and surrounding villages with a continuous, demand-oriented supply of hygienically sound drinking water as well as with an ecologically and hygienically sound and sustainable disposal and treatment of the wastewater.
Obiectivul specific
To provide population of Chakvi, Mtsvane Kontskhi/Greencape and Makhinjauri with continuous, demand-oriented supply of hygienically sound drinking water as well as with an ecologically and hygienically sound and sustainable disposal and treatment of the wastewater.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Sound water supply network established for Chakvi, Makhinjauri and Mtsvane Kontskhi/Green Cape settlements, allowing controlled connection to Batumi water supply line.
- Decentralised sewage system arranged in Chakvi for an environmentally sound disposal of wastewater
- Reduced health risks for the population in the villages
- Reduced pollution load to the Black Sea
Documente de proiect
Mstvane Kontskhi: Modernised Water Supply System
Makhinjauri: Modernised Water Supply System
Chakvi: Modernised Water Supply System
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Makhinjauri: Modernised Water Supply System
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that greens
Environment & climate change
Starea proiectului:
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