Programme for Modernization and Rehabilitation of Municipal Infrastructure

This programme foresees consulting services that will help with the successful implementation of the project "Municipal Water Infrastructure Project of Chernivtsi, stage 1". Within consulting services design and tender documentation should be developed, support during tendering, construction supervision and the defect notification period provided.
The programme also provides for an institutional component. The institutional component of consulting services facilitates the acquisition of experience, which can be further disseminated among other enterprises of the water supply and sewerage system and the strengthening of the institutional capacity of ME "Chernivtsivodokanal"
Obiectivul specific
Implementation support: preparing of the design and tender documentation for "Project of the Municipal Water Infrastructure of Chernivtsi, Stage 1", supporting in tender procedure and construction supervision.
Institutional support: development of organizational structure, strategy, business planning, improvement of commercial operations and technical assets data base, PR, HR.
Rezultatele așteptate
The program will contribute to the protection of water resources (the MDG 7) and save of local infrastructure, and
reducing the cost of drinking water and wastewater to improve living conditions (including MDGs 1, MDGs 4). In line with EU Neighborhood Policy, the project also helps to modernize the municipal drinking water and wastewater disposal system in Chernivtsi in line with EU standards.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care înverzește
Energie și eficiență energetică
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

Interesat(ă) de ultimele știri și oportunități?

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