Building resilience of Ukrainian women IDPs and refugees and increasing female workforce in tech-driven industry

With this project, we aim to empower Ukrainian women with IDP and refugee status, facilitating their employment in creative and tech-driven industries. Our objective is to create conditions that ensure equal economic opportunities for women and men.
The project is designed to benefit 1,000 unemployed Ukrainian female IDPs and refugees aged 18 and above who are actively seeking new educational and career opportunities in the creative and technology sectors.
Given the growing demand for IT professionals, women equipped with IT education can access improved job prospects, higher salaries, and opportunities for career growth. IT education for women offers multiple benefits, providing them with the skills and knowledge essential for successful careers in the technology industry.
Obiectivul specific
Overall objective (i.e. impacts)
Contribute to creating conditions for ensuring equal economic opportunities for women and men.
Specific objective(s) (i.e. outcome(s))
Empowered women with IDP and refugee status for employment in creative and tech-driven industries
Rezultatele așteptate

R1. Improve competencies of women for creative and tech-driven industries of 700 women who will be trained in tech&creative industries with average NPS (Net Promoter Score) for the courses of more than 60%.
R2. Support Ukrainian girls and women in job searching in creative & tech-driven industries so they have economically stable jobs and flexible scheduling that allows them to support the family financially and bring up children at the same time. 1000 women will get will get access to career support and Project Library, 700 women will prepare their CVs with HR.
R3. Promoted female empowerment and equality. Social communication campaign aimed to raise awareness about female economic empowerment, empower and inspire Ukrainian girls and women to pursue their careers into creative & tech economics as the most fast growing industries, to balance gender gap in tech sector. There will be 100 offline participants to the Women Empowerment Congress, total audience covered by the project's information campaign - 80 000, there will be 45 posts or/and stories within social media.
Harta proiectului
Domeniu prioritar:
Locuri de muncă, Migrația și mobilitatea, Femei
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Rețele sociale:

Numărul proiectului UE:

Interesat(ă) de ultimele știri și oportunități?

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